FA Quality - Auditorías

Audit services

We know that small businesses often do not have the time or qualified personnel to perform audits. Our Audit Services can help organizations look deeper and deeper into their business. That's why we offer to help small businesses meet the requirements outlined in regulations and standards, while helping them operate with greater confidence. Using our Audit Services will allow you to focus on your business, without being distracted or spending time training to become an auditor. Our auditors emphasize continuous improvement and documenting ways to reduce risk and increase quality and reliability in the supply chain.



Our audit services

- Gap Analysis (Gap Analysis).
- Internal Audits.
- Pre-Audits.
- Support during External Audits.
- Supplier Audits.

How does it work?

  Follow the steps below:
- Get a quote.
- Schedule your Audit.
- We audit for you.

What is Gap ?


Gap analysis is a method used by our FA Quality Certified Auditors to assess the differences between actual performance and expected performance in an organization or business. The term "Gap" refers to the space between "where we are now" (the current state) and where we "want to be" (the target state). A Gap Analysis can also be referred to as a "Gap Analysis", needs assessment or Needs Gap Analysis.

What is the difference between gap analysis and internal audit?


One of the main differences between a GAP analysis and an Internal Audit is that the Gap analysis is usually performed before the implementation of the measures. The Internal Audit, on the other hand, is usually performed to evaluate the implementation of these measures. In other words, the application of quality standards begins with the GAP analysis and ends with the Internal Audit. On the other hand, the GAP analysis focuses on detecting gaps, deficiencies, shortcomings or aspects of the business that can be improved. However, this is only one of the objectives of Internal Audits. Audits go beyond this and also highlight the fulfillment of objectives and the identification of opportunities.

Internal Audit

An Audit is an inspection or examination that is carried out in a company or organization to verify the correct operation of the same in different aspects. This type of audit is carried out by FA Quality qualified auditors who are totally impartial and independent of the entity being examined.



Objectives of an internal audit

  • Ensure compliance with the requirements of the standard.
    Evaluation of the adequacy or non-conformity of the Quality Management System.
    Determination of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
    Detect opportunities for improvement in the adopted management system.
    Keeping a record and documentation of the assessments and evidences evaluated during the whole audited process.




Benefits of internal audits

It allows to know the adequacy of the Quality Management System in force according to the requirements of the standards and its possible deviations. Through an Internal Audit it is possible to discover shortcomings that were not previously known and to optimize costs or the use of resources. By performing an Internal Audit, the Quality Management System is continuously maintained and updated.





A Pre-audit is an activity within the audit process that can be considered by each client. Among the relevant characteristics and criteria, we can find the following aspects: It is an optional activity, but the globalized world makes it increasingly necessary. It provides the Organization with a general idea of how its Management System is prepared; it is important to emphasize that this activity has the sole objective of detecting areas of opportunity that could have an impact on the Initial Certification Audit. The objective is to evaluate the key requirements within the Management System, in which processes, documents and records are sampled.


Support during external audit

Our FA Quality consultants could be present during the 3rd party audit performed by a Certification Body supporting the representative of our client's organization being assessed. This support can be provided during Certification Audits or during Surveillance Audits. Our consultants provide the necessary assistance to resolve any findings or corrective actions for the purpose of Certification approval.





Supplier Audit

FA-Quality offers support to suppliers through the following activities:

Supplier qualification.
Supplier evaluation.
Supplier corrective actions.

Our consultants use the above tools, in addition to providing:

Risk assessment.
Supplier Quality Management System Audits.
Customized Audit Needs
If you have problems with supplier product/service quality, on-time delivery, contact us, we have consultants who can help you improve your supply chain issues.






Our audits can be performed in the two available modalities:

- Remote Consulting
- On-site visits
- If you would like additional information about our Consulting Services or would like a quote for any of these options, please call or email us now. We are also happy to answer any ISO questions you may have.